Netscript Bladeburner API

Netscript provides the following API for interacting with the game’s Bladeburner mechanic.

The Bladeburner API is not immediately available to the player and must be unlocked later in the game


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The Bladeburner API is unlocked in BitNode-7. If you are in BitNode-7, you will automatically gain access to this API. Otherwise, you must have Source-File 7 in order to use this API in other BitNodes

Bladeburner API functions must be accessed through the ‘bladeburner’ namespace

In Netscript 1.0:

bladeburner.startAction("general", "Training");

In NetscriptJS (Netscript 2.0):

ns.bladeburner.startAction("general", "Training");

Bladeburner Action Types

Several functions in the Bladeburner API require you to specify an action using its type and name. The following are valid values when specifying the action’s type:

  • contract
  • contracts
  • contr
  • operation
  • operations
  • op
  • ops
Black Ops
  • blackoperation
  • black operation
  • black operations
  • black op
  • black ops
  • blackop
  • blackops
General Actions (Training, Field Analysis, Recruitment)
  • general
  • general action
  • gen


Basic example usage:

tprint(bladeburner.getActionTime("contract", "Tracking"));
tprint("Rank: " + bladeburner.getRank());
tprint("Skill Points: " + bladeburner.getSkillPoints());
tprint("Cloak Skill Level: " + bladeburner.getSkillLevel("Cloak"));
tprint("Trying to upgradeSkill: " + bladeburner.upgradeSkill("Cloak"));
tprint("Skill Points remaining: " + bladeburner.getSkillPoints());

tprint("Trying to switch to a nonexistent city: " + bladeburner.switchCity("lskgns"));

var chongqing = "Chongqing";
tprint("Trying to switch to Chongqing: " + bladeburner.switchCity(chongqing));
tprint("Chongqing chaos: " + bladeburner.getCityChaos(chongqing));
tprint("Chongqing estimated pop: " + bladeburner.getCityEstimatedPopulation(chongqing));
tprint("Chonqging estimated communities: " + bladeburner.getCityEstimatedCommunities(chongqing));

Bladeburner handler example. Note that this avoids the need of using the bladeburner namespace identifier by attaching the Bladeburner API functions to an object:

const FIELD_ANALYSIS_INTERVAL = 10; //Number of minutes between field analysis states
const FIELD_ANALYSIS_DURATION = 5;  //Duration in minutes

function BladeburnerHandler(ns, params) {
    //Netscript environment becomes part of the instance
    this.ns = ns;

    //Netscript bladeburner API becomes part of this instance
    for (var bladeburnerFn in ns.bladeburner) {
        this[bladeburnerFn] = ns.bladeburner[bladeburnerFn];

    this.fieldAnalysis = {
        inProgress:         params.startFieldAnalysis ? true : false,
        cyclesRemaining:    params.startFieldAnalysis ? FIELD_ANALYSIS_DURATION : 0,
        cyclesSince:        params.startFieldAnalysis ? FIELD_ANALYSIS_INTERVAL : 0,

BladeburnerHandler.prototype.getStaminaPercentage = function() {
    var res = this.getStamina();
    return 100 * (res[0] / res[1]);

BladeburnerHandler.prototype.hasSimulacrum = function() {
    var augs = this.ns.getOwnedAugmentations();
    return augs.includes("The Blade's Simulacrum");

BladeburnerHandler.prototype.handle = function() {
    //If we're doing something else manually (without Simlacrum),
    //it overrides Bladeburner stuff
    if (!this.hasSimulacrum() && this.ns.isBusy()) {
        this.ns.print("Idling bc player is busy with some other action");

    if (this.fieldAnalysis.inProgress) {
        if (this.fieldAnalysis.cyclesRemaining < 0) {
            this.fieldAnalysis.inProgress = false;
            this.fieldAnalysis.cyclesSince = 0;
            return this.handle();
        } else {
            this.startAction("general", "Field Analysis");
            this.ns.print("handler is doing field analyis for " +
                          (this.fieldAnalysis.cyclesRemaining+1) + " more mins");
            return 31; //Field Analysis Time + 1
    } else {
        if (this.fieldAnalysis.cyclesSince > FIELD_ANALYSIS_INTERVAL) {
            this.fieldAnalysis.inProgress = true;
            this.fieldAnalysis.cyclesRemaining = FIELD_ANALYSIS_DURATION;
            return this.handle();


    var staminaPerc = this.getStaminaPercentage();
    if (staminaPerc < 55) {
        this.ns.print("handler is starting training due to low stamina percentage");
        this.startAction("general", "Training");
        return 31; //Training time + 1
    } else {
        var action = this.chooseAction();
        this.ns.print("handler chose " + + " " + action.type + " through chooseAction()");
        return (this.getActionTime(action.type, + 1);

BladeburnerHandler.prototype.chooseAction = function() {
    //Array of all Operations
    var ops = this.getOperationNames();

    //Sort Operations in order of increasing success chance
    ops.sort((a, b)=>{
        return this.getActionEstimatedSuccessChance("operation", a) -
               this.getActionEstimatedSuccessChance("operation", b);

    //Loop through until you find one with 99+% success chance
    for (let i = 0; i < ops.length; ++i) {
        let successChance   = this.getActionEstimatedSuccessChance("operation", ops[i]);
        let count           = this.getActionCountRemaining("operation", ops[i]);
        if (successChance >= 0.99 && count > 10) {
            return {type: "operation", name: ops[i]};

    //Repeat for Contracts
    var contracts = this.getContractNames();
    contracts.sort((a, b)=>{
        return this.getActionEstimatedSuccessChance("contract", a) -
               this.getActionEstimatedSuccessChance("contract", b);

    for (let i = 0; i < contracts.length; ++i) {
        let successChance   = this.getActionEstimatedSuccessChance("contract", contracts[i]);
        let count           = this.getActionCountRemaining("contract", contracts[i]);
        if (successChance >= 0.80 && count > 10) {
            return {type: "contract", name: contracts[i]};

    return {type:"general", name:"Training"};

BladeburnerHandler.prototype.process = async function() {
    await this.ns.sleep(this.handle() * 1000);

export async function main(ns) {
    //Check if Bladeburner is available. This'll throw a runtime error if it's not

    var startFieldAnalysis = true;
    if (ns.args.length >= 1 && ns.args[0] == "false") {
        startFieldAnalysis = false;

    var handler = new BladeburnerHandler(ns, {
        startFieldAnalysis: startFieldAnalysis
    while(true) {
        await handler.process();