getCharacterInformation() Netscript Function


If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 1 of Source-File 4 in order to run this function.

Returns an object with various information about your character. The object has the following properties:

    bitnode:                Current BitNode number
    city:                   Name of city you are currently in
    factions:               Array of factions you are currently a member of
    hp:                     Current health points
    jobs:                   Array of all companies at which you have jobs
    jobTitle:               Array of job positions for all companies you are employed at. Same order as 'jobs'
    maxHp:                  Maximum health points
    tor:                    Boolean indicating whether or not you have a tor router

    // The following is an object with many of the player's multipliers from Augmentations/Source Files
    mult: {
        agility:            Agility stat
        agilityExp:         Agility exp
        companyRep:         Company reputation
        crimeMoney:         Money earned from crimes
        crimeSuccess:       Crime success chance
        defense:            Defense stat
        defenseExp:         Defense exp
        dexterity:          Dexterity stat
        dexterityExp:       Dexterity exp
        factionRep:         Faction reputation
        hacking:            Hacking stat
        hackingExp:         Hacking exp
        strength:           Strength stat
        strengthExp:        Strength exp
        workMoney:          Money earned from jobs

    // The following apply only to when the character is performing
    // some type of working action, such as working for a company/faction
    timeWorked:             Timed worked in ms
    workHackExpGain:        Hacking experience earned so far from work
    workStrExpGain:         Str experience earned so far from work
    workDefExpGain:         Def experience earned so far from work
    workDexExpGain:         Dex experience earned so far from work
    workAgiExpGain:         Agi experience earned so far from work
    workChaExpGain:         Cha experience earned so far from work
    workRepGain:            Reputation earned so far from work, if applicable
    workMoneyGain:          Money earned so far from work, if applicable