getInformation() Netscript Function

  • sleeveNumber (int) – Index of the sleeve to retrieve information. See here

Return a struct containing tons of information about this sleeve

    city:     location of the sleeve,
    hp:       current hp of the sleeve,
    maxHp:    max hp of the sleeve,
    jobs:     jobs available to the sleeve,
    jobTitle: job titles available to the sleeve,
    tor:      does this sleeve have access to the tor router,
    mult: {
        agility:      agility multiplier,
        agilityExp:   agility exp multiplier,
        companyRep:   company reputation multiplier,
        crimeMoney:   crime money multiplier,
        crimeSuccess: crime success chance multiplier,
        defense:      defense multiplier,
        defenseExp:   defense exp multiplier,
        dexterity:    dexterity multiplier,
        dexterityExp: dexterity exp multiplier,
        factionRep:   faction reputation multiplier,
        hacking:      hacking skill multiplier,
        hackingExp:   hacking exp multiplier,
        strength:     strength multiplier,
        strengthExp:  strength exp multiplier,
        workMoney:    work money multiplier,
    timeWorked: time spent on the current task in milliseconds,
    earningsForSleeves : { earnings synchronized to other sleeves
            workHackExpGain: hacking exp gained from work,
            workStrExpGain:  strength exp gained from work,
            workDefExpGain:  defense exp gained from work,
            workDexExpGain:  dexterity exp gained from work,
            workAgiExpGain:  agility exp gained from work,
            workChaExpGain:  charisma exp gained from work,
            workMoneyGain:   money gained from work,
    earningsForPlayer : { earnings synchronized to the player
            workHackExpGain: hacking exp gained from work,
            workStrExpGain:  strength exp gained from work,
            workDefExpGain:  defense exp gained from work,
            workDexExpGain:  dexterity exp gained from work,
            workAgiExpGain:  agility exp gained from work,
            workChaExpGain:  charisma exp gained from work,
            workMoneyGain:   money gained from work,
    earningsForTask : { earnings for this sleeve
            workHackExpGain: hacking exp gained from work,
            workStrExpGain:  strength exp gained from work,
            workDefExpGain:  defense exp gained from work,
            workDexExpGain:  dexterity exp gained from work,
            workAgiExpGain:  agility exp gained from work,
            workChaExpGain:  charisma exp gained from work,
            workMoneyGain:   money gained from work,
    workRepGain: Reputation gain rate when working for factions or companies